Monday, March 22, 2010

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope. Psalm 130:5

I have been putting this off for the longest time, but I am now finally posting something! I do realize that I told y'all that I would keep you updated on my journey leading up to Japan... so here it is about a month and a half before I leave. I'm sorry it has taken me so long.
Here I go...
First off, I want to thank everyone who has helped me financially and with prayer for my trip to Japan this summer! I can't say that enough. It is truly a blessing! This year leading up to this summer has been crazy. School has been hectic and a lot of things have been going on, but at the same time, it has been so good! Most importantly, Father has been so wonderful!! I have been able to make all of my payment deadlines on time. I am coming up on my FINAL payment deadline in about 2 weeks and it's a biggin! Satan has really been attacking me the last monthish which has lead me to a lot of doubt. I hate that. I don't know why I do because our Father is so faithful and He has made it known that He will provide all of it.
I then realized a few days ago that I only have 2 weeks left until the final deadline and I am pretty sure that I am really behind. I have an account with my church, so I try not to look at it too often so I don't freak out haha.
Last night was the first day back from spring break and I was filling Kat in about everything and I mentioned that and asked for her to pray for me. Today, I was chatting with Father and asked for confirmation about me going back to Japan. He then said to me, "Cara! I got this! Trust me!" Right when I got back from class, there was an envelope on my door that said, "Cara Scott Japan." I opened it and there was money in it for Japan and no name. Ah!! Thank you Lord! He basically said in that moment that I need to be patient because the money will continue to come in, but on His time.
I rejoiced. It was awesome!
My good friend Kelley, who will be going back with me again to Tokyo this summer, shared this with me just a bit ago and I thought I would share it with you... because it's awesome!
Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for my soul. I cried to Him with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, because he has no rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me!!
Psalm 66:16-20
My heart hasn't ever ached for a place like this before! It is unreal. Oh how I love and long to be in Tokyo again! Thank goodness I won't have to wait too much longer.
Please continue to pray for
  • team unity!
  • the hearts of the Japanese that we will be in contact with
  • the spiritual strongholds to be broken
  • payment deadlines for me and my team members
  • growth and focus leading up to our arrival in Tokyo

This was a lot of information to fit in to a small space, so I am sorry if it doesn't all make sense. I tried not to make it too wordy haha.


  1. this is the most awesome news I have heard about you yet! I'll pray for you cara

  2. praying for you. love this top verse. lovely blog.
    nicole visiting from
