Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh Tokyo...

Here are a few funnies...

  • Since Kat and I are at the homestay, you have to eat everything that is in front of you or else they think that you hate it. On that note... S-San made us try some Japanese dessert. Harmless right? FALSE! We had to force down this clear, jelly ball with fake chocolate syrup on top. I tried to hide that I didn't like it but she figured it out and handed me some water to wash it down haha. She called them rice cakes. So not accurate!

  • S-San also gave us some grape soda. Again, harmless right? FALSE FALSE FALSE!!! She started to pour the soda into our two glasses, and instead of it running/dripping out of the can... it plops! Yes, it plops! There was clear gew coming out of it. Right as I saw this, I looked at Kat and she had the funniest/most horrified look on her face! We started to giggle and then it turned into uncontrollable laughing... all while S-San was pouring out the goopy grape soda. We told S-San that we loved it. We fibbed.

  • Today, while doing 5ME, Kat and I experienced a drunken Japanese man... at 4 in the afternoon. He came up to us... long story short... he tried to pay us because he thought we were prostitutes. I have never felt to violated but now it's just really humorous. Come on, Kat and I? Really? Way too innocent looking I think.

  • Kat saw S-San's cat while we were eating and gagged. Yes, a legit gag. She loves cats.
  • Riding the train, a man fell asleep on Kat's shoulder. A normal occurrence.
  • While walking down the streets of Tokyo, it randomly smells like rotten eggs. At this moment you must say, "Tokyo threw up" or "Tokyo tooted."

Okay so Father has been so faithful! Michael, Kat and I met with two Japanese girls our age tonight for B-study and they were so responsive to His word. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing that conversation was. At the end, you could really tell that they understood and wanted to know more. We are going to meet with them again. I was so overjoyed that I was on the verge of weeping. I have only known these girls for about an hour and I had a love for them and only God can give. Imagine, Father loves us like that but a billion times more. I can't even begin to fathom that. If I were him, I would be weeping ALL of the time. haha. Those 2 girls, M-San and S-San, will unfortunately be leaving for school in Washington. PR that they encounter a strong disciple that will pour into them when they get there. Also PR that they become our sisters before they leave... Lord willing. That would be amazing! Please be PRing for these girls. They are so close!!! PR that he makes himself known in a powerful way!

Goodnight all!

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